diff --git a/allzweckmesser/scanner.py b/allzweckmesser/scanner.py
index 97ced9b6537d64edb4bef9956fa3fd67546b6a2b..1be933c3c8420efbfc95bfcac765d1762631b006 100644
--- a/allzweckmesser/scanner.py
+++ b/allzweckmesser/scanner.py
@@ -90,6 +90,28 @@ def tokenize(plain_verse: str) -> List[Token]:
     return tokens
+def blow_up_accented(accented):
+    matches = list(re.finditer(r'[_^]{2}', accented))
+    if matches:
+        # Generate blueprint.
+        blueprint = [accented[:matches[0].start()]]
+        for m in matches:
+            blueprint.append('{}')
+        blueprint = ''.join(blueprint)
+        # Fill blueprint with variants of accented form.
+        combinations = product([0, 1], repeat=len(matches))
+        blown_up = []
+        for combi in combinations:
+            format_args = ['_' if i == 1 else '^'
+                           for i in combi]
+            blown_up.append(blueprint.format(*format_args))
+    else:
+        # The accented is form is unambiguous.
+        blown_up = [accented]
+    return blown_up
 def condense_analyses(
         analyses: Set[FormAnalysis]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Set[str]]]:
     """Condense analyses objects into a nested dict representation.
@@ -101,13 +123,14 @@ def condense_analyses(
     condensed = {}
     for a in analyses:
-        if a.accented in condensed:
-            if a.lemma in condensed[a.accented]:
-                condensed[a.accented][a.lemma].add(a.morphtag)
+        for accented in blow_up_accented(a.accented):
+            if accented in condensed:
+                if a.lemma in condensed[accented]:
+                    condensed[accented][a.lemma].add(a.morphtag)
+                else:
+                    condensed[accented][a.lemma] = {a.morphtag}
-                condensed[a.accented][a.lemma] = {a.morphtag}
-        else:
-            condensed[a.accented] = {a.lemma: {a.morphtag}}
+                condensed[accented] = {a.lemma: {a.morphtag}}
     return condensed
@@ -292,7 +315,6 @@ def make_elisions(verse):
     return verse
 def parse_verse(verse):
     """Annotates syllable lengths based on positional_lengthening and muta cum liquida 
diff --git a/tests/test_scanner.py b/tests/test_scanner.py
index fa75abd3c8261535f7d255dd36ef8106b9baed2c..29e7c4a2df524d3ef47df42141cdfad29419e8f3 100644
--- a/tests/test_scanner.py
+++ b/tests/test_scanner.py
@@ -50,10 +50,30 @@ def test_get_clitic():
     assert azm.scanner.get_clitic('querela') == ('querela', None)
+def test_condense_analyses():
+    ancilla_analyses = {
+        FormAnalysis(form='ancilla', morphtag='n-s---fb-',
+                     lemma='ancilla', accented='ancilla_'),
+        FormAnalysis(form='ancilla', morphtag='n-s---fn-',
+                     lemma='ancilla', accented='ancilla'),
+        FormAnalysis(form='ancilla', morphtag='n-s---fv-',
+                     lemma='ancilla', accented='ancilla')
+    }
+    condensed = azm.scanner.condense_analyses(ancilla_analyses)
+    assert isinstance(condensed, dict)
+    assert all(isinstance(accented, str)
+               and isinstance(lemma_to_morphtags, dict)
+               for accented, lemma_to_morphtags in condensed.items())
+    assert condensed == {
+        'ancilla': {'ancilla': {'n-s---fn-', 'n-s---fv-'}},
+        'ancilla_': {'ancilla': {'n-s---fb-'}}
+    }
 def test_lemmatize(tokenized_verses, word_list):
     readings = azm.scanner.lemmatize(word_list,
-    assert len(readings) == 1
+    assert len(readings) == 2
     assert all(len(r) == len(tokenized_verses[0]) for r in readings)
     readings = azm.scanner.lemmatize(word_list,
@@ -71,23 +91,3 @@ def test_multiply_readings(tokenized_verses):
     multiplied_readings = azm.scanner.multiply_readings(readings, 4)
     assert len(multiplied_readings) == 4
     assert all(len(reading) == reading_len for reading in multiplied_readings)
-def test_condense_analyses():
-    ancilla_analyses = {
-        FormAnalysis(form='ancilla', morphtag='n-s---fb-',
-                     lemma='ancilla', accented='ancilla_'),
-        FormAnalysis(form='ancilla', morphtag='n-s---fn-',
-                     lemma='ancilla', accented='ancilla'),
-        FormAnalysis(form='ancilla', morphtag='n-s---fv-',
-                     lemma='ancilla', accented='ancilla')
-    }
-    condensed = azm.scanner.condense_analyses(ancilla_analyses)
-    assert isinstance(condensed, dict)
-    assert all(isinstance(accented, str)
-               and isinstance(lemma_to_morphtags, dict)
-               for accented, lemma_to_morphtags in condensed.items())
-    assert condensed == {
-        'ancilla': {'ancilla': {'n-s---fn-', 'n-s---fv-'}},
-        'ancilla_': {'ancilla': {'n-s---fb-'}}
-    }