diff --git a/allzweckmesser/scanner.py b/allzweckmesser/scanner.py
index 97ced9b6537d64edb4bef9956fa3fd67546b6a2b..a19db3584a5d39fb4c3b21466d5cdd0c556af439 100644
--- a/allzweckmesser/scanner.py
+++ b/allzweckmesser/scanner.py
@@ -166,6 +166,105 @@ def lemmatize(word_list: WordList, reading: Reading) -> List[Reading]:
     return readings
+def get_unknown_syllables(token):
+    """Stolen from Jonathan (insert proper citation here)
+    ee
+    """
+    strng=token.text
+    strng=strng.lower()
+    # special cases
+    if strng=="cui" or strng=="cvi":
+        syll=Syllable("cui", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="cuiqve" or strng=="cviqve":
+        syll1=Syllable("cui", [token.span[0]+0,token.span[0]+3])
+        syll2=Syllable("qve", [token.span[0]+3,token.span[0]+6])
+        return [syll1, syll2]
+    if strng=="proinde":
+        syll1=Syllable("proind", [token.span[0],token.span[0]+6])
+        syll2=Syllable("e", [token.span[0]+6,token.span[0]+7])
+        return [syll1, syll2]
+    if strng=="cuiqvam" or strng=="cviqvam":
+        syll1=Syllable("cui", [token.span[0]+0,token.span[0]+3])
+        syll2=Syllable("qvam", [token.span[0]+3,token.span[0]+7])
+        return [syll1, syll2]
+    if strng=="seu":
+        syll=Syllable("seu", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="neu":
+        syll=Syllable("neu", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="heu":
+        syll=Syllable("heu", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="huic":
+        syll=Syllable("huic", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="ei":
+        syll=Syllable("ei", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="hei":
+        syll=Syllable("hei", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="ceu":
+        syll=Syllable("ceu", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    if strng=="heus":
+        syll=Syllable("heus", token.span)
+        return [syll]
+    #end special cases
+    if strng.isupper():
+        chunks=[chunk for chunk in re.split("(ae|oe|au|eu|yi|[aeiouy])", strng.lower()) if chunk!=""]
+    else:
+        chunks=[chunk for chunk in re.split("(ae|au|oe|[aeiouy])", strng.lower()) if chunk!=""]
+    y=[]
+    # Zaehler j: gerades j: Konsonanten werden an y angehaengt,
+    #                    ungerades j: Vokale werden an Konsonanten angehaengt
+    # Zu beachten: Faengt Wort mit Vokal an?
+    j=-1
+    fluff=0
+    for ch in chunks:
+        j+=1
+        if j==0:
+            if re.match("[^aeiou]", chunks[0]):
+                fluff=1
+                y.append(ch)
+            else:
+                y.append(ch)
+                j+=1
+        elif j==1 and fluff==1:
+            y[0]+=chunks[1]
+        else:
+            if j%2==0:
+                if re.match("[^aeiou]", ch):
+                    y[-1]+=ch
+                else:
+                    y.append(ch)
+                    j+=1
+            else:
+                y.append(ch)
+    res = list()
+    length = 0
+    for x in y:
+        res.append(Syllable(x, [length, length+len(x)]))
+        length+=(len(x))
+    # special cases again
+    if re.search("oen?$", strng) and strng.isupper():
+        res[-1]=Syllable("o", [res[-1].span[0], res[-1].span[0]+1])
+        if strng.endswith("n"):
+            res.append(Syllable("en", [res[-1].span[0]+1, res[-1].span[1]]))
+        else:
+            res.append(Syllable("e",[res[-1].span[0]+1, res[-1].span[1]]))
+    return res
 def get_syllables_for_token(token: Token):
     syllables = []
     if token.accented:
@@ -222,8 +321,7 @@ def get_syllables_for_token(token: Token):
         if not token.is_punct():
-            syllables = [Syllable(syllable=token.text, span=token.span, idx=None,
-                                vowel_length=1, syllable_length=1)]
+            syllables = get_unknown_syllables(token)
     return syllables