diff --git a/Code/train.py b/Code/train.py
index acd07f2217d64ae2ef8565d73b0885ce1b6e61a4..516fb0c89a64dfea035c4d06faace5aabeb39984 100644
--- a/Code/train.py
+++ b/Code/train.py
@@ -27,22 +27,23 @@ def train(model, name,train_dataset, test_dataset, seed, batch_size, test_batch_
 	"""Train loop for models. Iterates over epochs and batches and gives inputs to model. After training, call evaluation.py for evaluation of finetuned model.
-	model: model out of models.py
-	name: str
-	train_dataset: Dataset 
-	test_dataset: Dataset
-	seed: int
-	batch_size: 
-	test_batch_size:
-	num_epochs: int
-	imdb: bool
-	mixup: bool
-	lambda_value: float
-	mixepoch:int
-	tmix: bool
-	mixlayer: int in {0, 11}
-	learning_rate: float
-	mlp_leaning_rate:float
+	model: model out of models.py ->WordClassificationModel, BertForWordClassification or RobertaForWordClassification
+	name: str -> specifies architecture of model (either bert-base-uncased or roberta-base)
+	train_dataset: Dataset  -> Train dataset as Torch.Dataset Object (created in preprocess.py)
+	test_dataset: Dataset ->Test dataset as Torch.Dataset Object (created in preprocess.py)
+	seed: int -> Random seed 
+	batch_size: ->batch size for training
+	test_batch_size: -> batch size for testing
+	num_epochs: int -> number of epochs
+	imdb: bool ->whether or not imdb dataset is used
+	mixup: bool ->whether or not to use mixup in training 
+	lambda_value: float ->if mixup or tmix selected, what lambda value to use
+	mixepoch:int -> specifies in what epoch to use mixup
+	tmix: bool ->whether or not tmix is used in training (used to differentiate between mixing in training and not mixing in evaluation)
+	mixlayer: int in {0, 11} ->what layer to mix in tmix
+	learning_rate: float ->learning rate for Bert/Roberta Model, or WordClassificationModel including linear classifier
+	mlp_leaning_rate:float ->separate learning rate for multi layer perceptron
 	Returns: Evaluation Results for train and test dataset in Accuracy, F1, Precision and Recall"""
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b359be4162dc2fd243b932a05da278fb40494672..09e8f071c1460da75e3d31fc37ee942ed22fee74 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ pip install -r requirements.txt
 ## ⚙️ Usage <a name="usage"></a>
-🚀 Launch our application by following the steps below:
-[welche argumente genau?]
+#### 🚀 Launch our application by following the steps below:
 ./main.py <COMMAND> <ARGUMENTS>...
-For `<COMMAND>` you must enter one of the commands you find in the list below, where you can also find an overview about necessary `<ARGUMENTS>`.
+For `<COMMAND>` you must enter one of the commands you find in the list below, where you can also find an overview about possible `<ARGUMENTS>`. 
+ℹ️ The icons indicate if a command is mandatory (🔛). 🍸 indicates that this command is mandatory for *MixUp*, 🌐 describes mandatory commands for *TMix*.
 | Command | Functionality | Arguments |
 | ------- | ------------- |-----------|
@@ -190,18 +190,18 @@ For `<COMMAND>` you must enter one of the commands you find in the list below, w
 |🔛 **`--tokenizer`**|Which tokenizer to use when preprocessing the datasets.|Choose `swp` for our tokenizer, `li ` for the tokenizer of Li et al. [^6], or `salami` for the tokenizer used by another [student project](https://gitlab.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/salami-hd/salami/-/tree/master/)|
 |**`-tc`**/**`--tcontext`**|Whether or not to preprocess the training set with context.||
 |**`-vc`**/**`--vcontext`**|Whether or not to preprocess the test set with context.||
-|🔛 **`-max`**/**`--max_length`**|Defines the maximum sequence length when tokenizing the sentences.|⚠️ Always choose 256 for *TMix* and 512 for the other models.|
+|🔛 **`-max`**/**`--max_length`**|Defines the maximum sequence length when tokenizing the sentences.|Typically choose $256$ or $512$.|
 |🔛 **`--train_loop`**|Defines which train loop to use.|Choose `swp` for our train loop implementation and `salami` for the one of the [salami](https://gitlab.cl.uni-heidelberg.de/salami-hd/salami) student project.|
 |🔛 **`-e`**/**`--epochs`**|Number of epochs for training.||
 |🔛 **`-lr`**/**`--learning_rate`**|Learning rate for training.|`type=float`|
 |**`-lrtwo`**/**`--second_learning_rate`**| Separate learning rate for multi layer perceptron.|Default is `None`.|
 |**`--mlp`**| Whether or not to use two layer MLP as classifier.| |
 |🔛 **`-rs`**/**`--random_seed`**|Random seed for initialization of the model.|Default is $42$.|
-|🔛 **`-sd`**/**`--save_directory`**|This option specifies the destination directory for the output results of the run.||
+|**`-sd`**/**`--save_directory`**|This option specifies the destination directory for the output results of the run.||
 |**`-msp`**/**`--model_save_path`**|This option specifies the destination directory for saving the model.|We recommend saving models in [Code/saved_models](Code/saved_models).|
 |**`--masking`**|Whether or not to mask the target word.||
 |🌐 **`--mixlayer`**| Specify in which `layer` the interpolation takes place. Only select one layer at a time. | Choose from ${0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11}$ |
-|🍸, 🌐 **`-lambda`**/**`--lambda_value`**|Speficies the lambda value for interpolation of *MixUp* and *TMix*|Default is $0.4$, `type=float`|
+|🍸, 🌐 **`-lambda`**/**`--lambda_value`**|Speficies the lambda value for interpolation of *MixUp* and *TMix*|Choose any value between $0$ and $1$, `type=float`|
 | <center>| **MixUp** specific </center>||
 |🍸 **`-mixup`**/**`--mix_up`**| Whether or not to use *MixUp*. If yes, please specify `lambda` and `-mixepoch`| |
 |🍸 **`-mixepoch`**/**`--mixepoch`**|Specifies the epoch(s) in which to apply *MixUp*.|Default is `None`|
@@ -215,17 +215,28 @@ For `<COMMAND>` you must enter one of the commands you find in the list below, w
 |🔛 **`-tb`**/**`--test_batch_size`**|Specifies the batch size for the test process.|Default is $16$.|
-extra: BT and inference
+#### 📝 If you want to use our *backtranslation* code, you must execute the following:
+python3 Code/backtranslate.py
+#### 🎥 If you want to see a demo of our model, you can enter your own sentence and let the model predict if a target word is used in its `literal` or `non-literal` sense:
+python3 inference.py
+<img src="documentation/images/demo.png" width="80%" height="80%">
-[ADD screenshot of demo?]
 ## 🏯 Code-Structure <a name="code-structure"></a>
 - ⚙️ [`requirements.txt`](requirements.txt): All necessary modules to install.
-- 📱 [`main.py`](main.py): Our main code file which does ...
-- 💻 [`Code`](code): Here, you can find all code files for our different models and data augmentation methods.
+- 📱 [`main.py`](main.py): Our main code file is responsible for organizing input options and calling the necessary functions to preprocess datasets, train the model, and evaluate it on a test set.
+- 🎥 [`inference.py`](inference.py): Run a demo version of our to test if an input sentence contains a metonymy.
+- 💻 [`Code`](code): Here, you can find all code files for our different models and data augmentation methods, as well as a [`submit_template.sh`](Code/submit_template.sh).
 - 📀 [`data`](data): Find all datasets in this folder.
     - 🗂️ [`backtranslations`](data/backtranslations): Contains unfiltered generated paraphrases.
     - 🗂️ [`fused_datasets`](data/fused_datasets): Contains original datasets fused with filtered paraphrases. Ready to be used for training the models.
diff --git a/documentation/images/demo.png b/documentation/images/demo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccb82dbd4d2bf4870f3936341bfc166394448572
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/images/demo.png differ
diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
index 8a33f4ff0965ece565502accf64130a78ee37176..a623948f8e42b5fc9cf088810b1b45a9466b6672 100644
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -208,8 +208,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
 		help="speficies the lambda value for mixup",
-		type=float,
-		default=0.4)
+		type=float)