diff --git a/Code/inference.py b/Code/inference.py
index 441d9e2fcfeb7d00f4f35fa6a848ae49f16f9b28..212d4c5944edbd54daf8f1f12924e42fedd6d56e 100644
--- a/Code/inference.py
+++ b/Code/inference.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+"""Demo for inference: User enters a sentence and our trained BERT model predicts if the target word is literal or non-literal"""
 import json
 import torch
 import preprocess
@@ -8,34 +10,67 @@ import train
 from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, RandomSampler
 # Get user input
-print("Enter a sentence: ")
+print("Enter a sentence and enclose the target word(s) between asteriks (e.g. \"I love *New York*\"): ")
 sentence = input()
-sentence = sentence.split()
-print("Specify the target word position using square brackets (e.g. [0,2])")
-target_pos = input()
-target_json = json.loads(target_pos)
-print("Enter the label: 0 for literal, 1 for non-literal")
+def extract_target_words(input_string):
+    target_words = []
+    pattern = r'\*(.*?)\*'
+    matches = re.findall(pattern, input_string)
+    for match in matches:
+        target_words.append(match.strip())
+    return target_words
+target_word = extract_target_words(sentence)
+split_target = target_word[0].split()
+def remove_asterisks_and_split(input_string):
+    pattern = r"\*"
+    # Remove asterisks and split the input string into a list of words
+    words = re.sub(pattern, "", input_string).split()
+    return words
+split_sentence = remove_asterisks_and_split(sentence)
+def find_target_position(split_sentence, split_target):
+    start = -1
+    end = -1
+    for i in range(len(split_sentence)):
+        if split_sentence[i:i+len(split_target)] == split_target:
+            start = i
+            end = i+len(split_target)-1
+            break
+    return [start, end+1]
+pos = find_target_position(split_sentence, split_target)
+target_json = json.loads(pos)
+print(f"The target word is {target_word} and at the position {pos}.")
+print("Now enter the label: 0 for literal, 1 for non-literal")
 label = int(input())
-print("Is this your target word: ", sentence[target_json[0]: target_json[1]])
+# Convert to data sample for BERT
 data_sample = [{"sentence": sentence, "pos": target_json, "label": label}]
 input_as_dataset=preprocess.tokenizer_new(tokenizer, data_sample, max_length=512)
 # Load model
 device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
-model_path = "saved_models/bert_.pth"
+model_path = "saved_models/bert.pth"
 model = torch.load(model_path, map_location=device)
 train_sampler = RandomSampler(data_sample)
 train_dataloader=DataLoader(data_sample, sampler=train_sampler, batch_size=1)
@@ -52,9 +87,9 @@ for batch in train_dataloader:
-	if prediciton == 1:
+	if prediction == 1:
-	elif prediciton == 0:
+	elif prediction == 0:
-	#print("Outputs: ", 
diff --git a/documentation/.DS_Store b/documentation/.DS_Store
index 2895fc477ea9375256239866164b5716e6cc9944..9f8fbe41b9791d8babd3fac3c4f272fb61652b0a 100644
Binary files a/documentation/.DS_Store and b/documentation/.DS_Store differ