diff --git a/date_selection.py b/date_selection.py
index dd53f0f7b5290d9691989c9f44dfd1b179611562..34de4c08d98b66e5998de164a9c9e5aa94044385 100644
--- a/date_selection.py
+++ b/date_selection.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 from collections import Counter
+from datetime import datetime
+import igraph
 def rank_dates_by_mention_count(articles, start_date, end_date):
@@ -9,3 +12,36 @@ def rank_dates_by_mention_count(articles, start_date, end_date):
                 if start_date <= mentioned_date <= end_date:
                     mention_count[mentioned_date] += 1
     return [item[0] for item in mention_count.most_common()]
+def rank_dates_by_wilson(articles, start_date, end_date):
+    edges = []
+    # count how often each published -> mentioned pair occurs
+    pub_to_mention_count = Counter({})
+    for article in articles:
+        pub_date = article['pub_date']
+        for sentence in article['sentences']:
+            for mentioned_date in set(sentence['mentioned_dates']):
+                if pub_date != mentioned_date and start_date <= mentioned_date <= end_date:
+                    pub_to_mention_count[(pub_date, mentioned_date)] += 1
+    # the edge weight for each published -> mentioned pair
+    # is how often it occurs * the temporal distance between the dates
+    for pub_date, mentioned_date in pub_to_mention_count.keys():
+        date_diff = (datetime.strptime(pub_date, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.strptime(mentioned_date, '%Y-%m-%d')).days
+        edge_weight = pub_to_mention_count[(pub_date, mentioned_date)] * abs(date_diff)
+        edges.append((pub_date, mentioned_date, edge_weight))
+    # create a graph from the edge list
+    g = igraph.Graph.TupleList(edges, directed=True)
+    vertex_names = g.vs['name']
+    # igraph.plot(g, layout='kk', vertex_label=g.vs['name'], bbox=(3000, 3000))
+    # rate vertices by pagerank score
+    pagerank_scores = g.pagerank()
+    sorted_indices = sorted(list(range(len(pagerank_scores))), key=lambda i: pagerank_scores[i], reverse=True)
+    ranked_dates = [vertex_names[i] for i in sorted_indices]
+    return ranked_dates
diff --git a/timeline_generation.py b/timeline_generation.py
index 52824452dccb03e06572aacc4fa5843666e0665c..f5a8c2367c5d703c67ead7ca11b4d7410b0c1b73 100644
--- a/timeline_generation.py
+++ b/timeline_generation.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def make_timeline(articles, gold_timeline, keywords):
     # articles = dataset.filter_articles_by_keywords(articles, keywords)
     # select dates
-    ranked_dates = date_selection.rank_dates_by_mention_count(articles, start_date, end_date)
+    ranked_dates = date_selection.rank_dates_by_wilson(articles, start_date, end_date)
     # train TFIDF vectorizer on all sentences (not just the ones for this date)
     all_sentences = [sentence['text'] for article in articles for sentence in article['sentences']]