diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2d54a888f2fd384444ababea2b4777ef47fa818b..ee9a7d5dd1121db405709eaef7fe85f19d26d3af 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,13 +14,7 @@ We suggest running the `setup.sh` file. This creates a virtual python environmen
 	$ bash setup.sh
-After running the setup, you will need to activate the virtualenv
-	$ source sopro_env/bin/activate
-Alternatively, you can manually install the following requirements.
-## Requirements
+Alternatively, you can manually install the following requirements:
 The program requires NLTK, NumPy, SciPy, SciKit Learn, requests, textblob and matplotlib.
 Please note that SciPy and NumPy need to be installed before SciKit Learn.
@@ -36,17 +30,65 @@ Please note that SciPy and NumPy need to be installed before SciKit Learn.
 ## Run
-To run the main programm run `main.py`
+ If not already activated, activate the virtualenv
+	$ source sopro_env/bin/activate
+To run the main programm run `main.py`.
 	$ cd src/
 	$ python3 main.py
-With the default settings, several classifiers will be trained on 80% of the data and tested on the other 20%. Results will be then printed out and also saved to the `results/` directory. In this setting, a certain feature-combination is used which generated the best scores in various experiments.
+With the default settings, several classifiers will be trained on 80% of the data and tested on the other 20%. Results will be then printed out and also saved to the `results/` directory. In this setting, a certain feature-combination is used, which generated the best scores in prior experiments.
+Changes can be made in `config.py`. Examples:
-Changes can be made in `config.py`. 
-To generate cross-validation scores which can be compared to [Buschmeier et al.](http://acl2014.org/acl2014/W14-26/pdf/W14-2608.pdf), change the following variables:
+To generate cross-validation scores which can be compared to [Buschmeier et al.](http://acl2014.org/acl2014/W14-26/pdf/W14-2608.pdf), change the following variables to:
 	split_ratio = 1.0
 	validate = True
-See `config.py` itself for further options.
\ No newline at end of file
+To choose a different combination of Features, modify the following variable:
+	feature_selection = ['f1', 'f4', 'f7']
+If you'd like to run the programm for all possible combinations of the selected features, change the following variable to:
+	use_all_variants = True
+Feature specific options like the n-parameter of the bag-of-n-grams feature can also be adjusted. Changing the following variable as shown will make the feature extract uni- and bigrams:
+	n_range_words = (1,2) 
+See `config.py` itself for further options.
+## App Structure
+### Main Programm
+	- main.py 							> entry point to App, calls machine_learning.py's run()-function
+### Feature Related Files
+	- feature.py 						> provides an abstract Feature class
+		|- ngram_feature.py 			> inherites from Feature, offers method for extracting F1 feature
+			|- surface_patterns.py 		> inherites from NGramFeature, offers method for extracting F3 feature
+		|- pos_feature.py 				> inherites from Feature, offers method for extracting F2 feature
+		|- sent_rating_feature.py 		> inherites from Feature, offers method for extracting F4 feature
+		|- punctuation_feature.py 		> inherites from Feature, offers method for extracting F5 feature
+		|- contrast_feature.py 			> inherites from Feature, offers method for extracting F6 feature
+		|- stars_feature.py 			> inherites from Feature, offers method for extracting F7 feature
+	- feature_extraction.py 			> provides functions for extracting and concatenating feature vectors
+### Machine Learning
+	- machine_learning.py 				> includes run-function, which incorperates all ML related steps (training,testing,..)
+### Other
+	- corpus.py 						> contains a reading function to load corpus, can also be run to convert raw corpus
+	- utilities.py						> collection of functions & helpers used throughout the app
+	- config.py 						> file for adjusting setting and options
+### Directories
+	- src/								> holds all the source code above
+	- results/ 							> default location where test/validation results are saved
+	- corpus/ 							> contains complete corpus in a single csv-file (shuffled)			