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Commit 6f37468b authored by Lea Kyveli Chrysanthopoulou's avatar Lea Kyveli Chrysanthopoulou
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Clean up code and put it into classes

parent 8dda779c
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import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler
import os
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
import pandas as pd
import statistics
import re
# you'll have to also download "punkt" from nltk
# create function for bar (value) labels
def addlabels(x,y):
for i in range(len(x)):
plt.text(i, y[i], y[i], ha = "center")
# function compiling the works given into a single string. Input required:
# general path of the files as string, for example: "/throne_of_glass/data/canon_works/"
# specific names of the works as a list of strings, for example "throne_of_glass_1.txt"
# /throne_of_glass/data/canon_works/
def read_works_into_string(directory_path):
strings = []
works = os.listdir(directory_path)
for work in works:
with open(f"{directory_path}"+f"/{work}", "r") as f:
return "\n".join(strings)
# by subdiving the text into segments of 1000, it calculates the type token ratio for each segment and then averages over them
# this ensures a comparability of the type token ratios for varying text sizes
def standardised_type_token_ratio(tokens):
ttrs = []
segment_tokens = []
segment = 0
for token in tokens:
if segment < 1000:
segment += 1
elif segment == 1000:
types = set(segment_tokens)
ttr = len(types)/len(segment_tokens)
segment_tokens =[]
segment = 0
if len(ttrs) <= 1:
types = set(tokens)
std_ttr = len(types)/len(tokens)
print("Warning: Text was too short for segmentation!")
std_ttr = statistics.mean(ttrs)
return std_ttr
def tokenize_and_clean_text(text):
tokens = word_tokenize(text)
cleaned_tokens = ([token for token in tokens if any(c.isalpha() for c in token)])
short_clean_tokens = [] # when looking at the results, there were some strange token lengths, because somewhere in the data conversion hyphens
# had been added in the wrong places. I had the tokens with very large lengths printed and they had this format, e.g. "everywhere—assassin"
# and where counted, in this instance as 19 characters long but up to 45 characters long: "walking-as-fast-as-they-could-without-running"
for token in cleaned_tokens:
dehyphenated_token = []
letter_present = 0
dehyphenated = 0
second_word_in_compound = 0
for c in token:
if c.isalpha() == True:
letter_present = 1
if dehyphenated == 1:
second_word_in_compound = 1
elif c.isalpha() == False and letter_present == 1: #here I am eliminating both dashes and hyphens,
#bc it skews the word metric if red-blue is counted as a 9 character token, boosting the count of
# high-character tokens significantly. all texts will be preprocessed the same way, so it shouldn't make a difference,
# relatively speaking
dehyphenated_token_joined = ''.join(map(str, dehyphenated_token))
dehyphenated_token = []
letter_present = 0
dehyphenated = 1
second_word_in_compound = 0
if letter_present == 1 and dehyphenated == 0:
short_clean_tokens.append(token) #catching the tokens that didn't have any special characters; but not the dehyphenated ones twice
elif letter_present == 1 and dehyphenated == 1 and second_word_in_compound == 1:
short_clean_tokens.append(''.join(map(str, dehyphenated_token)))
return short_clean_tokens
def mendenhall_token_metrics(tokens):
# create the distribution of token lengths / Mendenhall curve
token_lengths = [len(token) for token in tokens]
# Calculate the trimmed token length (with 5% trimming) We need to remove the outliers, bc even despite preprocessing,
# there still are some very wrong lengths, which entirely skews the metrics and also ruins our p-values later on
trim_percent = 0.005
trim_len = int(len(token_lengths) * trim_percent / 2)
token_lengths = sorted(token_lengths)[trim_len:-trim_len]
token_length_distribution = FreqDist(token_lengths).most_common(15)
# convert to FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
token_len_dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(token_length_distribution))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_token_len_dist = token_len_dist_panda.sort_index()
for i in range(0, len(new_token_len_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_token_len_dist.iat[i] = round(new_token_len_dist.iat[i]/len(tokens), 3) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
#if float(new_token_len_dist.iat[i]) == 0.00:
# new_token_len_dist.drop(index=i) # here it is used as the label, so we want the index, not index -1; bad work-around, I'm sorry
standard_deviation = statistics.stdev(token_lengths)
mean = statistics.mean(token_lengths)
return new_token_len_dist, standard_deviation, mean
def plot_distribution(x, y, plt_title, file_path_for_pic:str, x_label="Number of Kudos", y_label="Percentage of Occurence",palette="flare", plt_type="barplot", add_labels=True):
if add_labels:
addlabels(x=x.index, y=y.values)
match case:
sns.scatterplot(x=x.index, y=y.values, palette=palette)
#plt.xticks(new_dist.index[::100], new_dist.index[::100])
sns.lineplot(x=x.index, y=y.values, palette=palette)
# plot using matplotlib and seaborn
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
addlabels(x=new_token_len_dist.index, y=new_token_len_dist.values)
ax.set_xlabel("Word Length")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
sns.barplot(x=new_token_len_dist.index, y=new_token_len_dist.values, ax=ax, palette="flare")
#plt.xticks(rotation=30) !!! very useful for words
#token_length_freq_dist_plot = token_length_distribution.plot(title=curve_title, percents=True)
#fig_freq_dist = token_length_freq_dist_plot.get_figure()
class StylometryMetrics:
def __init__(self, directory_path):
self.text = read_works_into_string(directory_path)
self.clean_tokens = tokenize_and_clean_text(self.text)
def calculate_standardised_ttr(self):
self.sttr = standardised_type_token_ratio(self.clean_tokens)
def calculate_mendenhall_token_metrics(self):
self.tk_len_dist, self.tk_len_std, self.tk_len_mean = mendenhall_token_metrics(self.clean_tokens)
def plot
# this function takes a corpus as its input and gives a Mendenhall curve, i.e. a frequency distribution of tokens as its output
# precise input: corpus = string ;
# curve_title = string, the title of the plot that will be produced, e.g., "Mendenhall Curve for Throne of Glass Series"
# plot_destination = string, the (relative) path, including the file name and .png tag of the plot produced, e.g. f"throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_token_len.png"
def mendenhall_curve(corpus, curve_title, plot_destination):
short_clean_tokens = tokenize_and_clean_text(corpus)
# create the distribution of token lengths / Mendenhall curve
token_lengths = [len(token) for token in short_clean_tokens]
# Calculate the trimmed token length (with 5% trimming) We need to remove the outliers, bc even despite preprocessing,
# there still are some very wrong lengths, which entirely skews the metrics and also ruins our p-values later on
trim_percent = 0.005
trim_len = int(len(token_lengths) * trim_percent / 2)
token_lengths = sorted(token_lengths)[trim_len:-trim_len]
token_length_distribution = FreqDist(token_lengths).most_common(15)
# convert to FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
token_len_dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(token_length_distribution))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_token_len_dist = token_len_dist_panda.sort_index()
for i in range(0, len(new_token_len_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_token_len_dist.iat[i] = round(new_token_len_dist.iat[i]/len(short_clean_tokens), 3) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
#if float(new_token_len_dist.iat[i]) == 0.00:
# new_token_len_dist.drop(index=i) # here it is used as the label, so we want the index, not index -1; bad work-around, I'm sorry
# plot using matplotlib and seaborn
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
addlabels(x=new_token_len_dist.index, y=new_token_len_dist.values)
ax.set_xlabel("Word Length")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
sns.barplot(x=new_token_len_dist.index, y=new_token_len_dist.values, ax=ax, palette="flare")
#plt.xticks(rotation=30) !!! very useful for words
#token_length_freq_dist_plot = token_length_distribution.plot(title=curve_title, percents=True)
#fig_freq_dist = token_length_freq_dist_plot.get_figure()
# calculate the standard deviation, mean, token/type ratio
standard_deviation = statistics.stdev(token_lengths)
mean = statistics.mean(token_lengths)
type_token_ratio = standardised_type_token_ratio(short_clean_tokens)
return standard_deviation, mean, type_token_ratio
def sentence_metrics(corpus, curve_title, series, canon_or_fanfic):
sents = sent_tokenize(corpus)
sent_lens = []
for sent in sents:
short_clean_tokens = tokenize_and_clean_text(sent)
#if len(short_clean_tokens)>= 90:
#print(f"This sentence: \n {sent} \n is this long: {len(short_clean_tokens)}")
# Calculate the trimmed mean sentence length (with 5% trimming) We need to remove the outliers, bc even despite preprocessing,
# there still are some sentences that are 1200 tokens long, which entirely skews the metrics and also ruins our p-values later on
trim_percent = 0.05
trim_len = int(len(sent_lens) * trim_percent / 2)
sent_lens = sorted(sent_lens)[trim_len:-trim_len]
sent_len_dist = FreqDist(sent_lens)
# convert to FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
sent_len_dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(sent_len_dist))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_sent_len_dist = sent_len_dist_panda.sort_index()
for i in range(0, len(new_sent_len_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_sent_len_dist.iat[i] = round(new_sent_len_dist.iat[i]/len(sent_lens), 2) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
# plot using matplotlib and seaborn
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
#addlabels(x=new_sent_len_dist.index, y=new_sent_len_dist.values)
ax.set_xlabel("Sentence Length")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
sns.lineplot(x=new_sent_len_dist.index, y=new_sent_len_dist.values, ax=ax, palette="crest")
#plt.xticks(rotation=30) !!! very useful for words
plt.savefig(f"{series}/freq_distribution/{canon_or_fanfic}_sent_len_long.png") # "throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_sent_len.png"
# plot the 40 most frequent sentence lenghts as a barplot for a more detailed insight
sent_len_dist_short = FreqDist(sent_lens).most_common(25)
# convert to FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
sent_len_dist_short_panda = pd.Series(dict(sent_len_dist_short))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_sent_len_dist_short = sent_len_dist_short_panda.sort_index()
for i in range(0, len(new_sent_len_dist_short.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_sent_len_dist_short.iat[i] = round(new_sent_len_dist_short.iat[i]/len(sent_lens), 2) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
addlabels(x=new_sent_len_dist_short.index, y=new_sent_len_dist_short.values)
ax.set_xlabel("Sentence Length")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
sns.barplot(x=new_sent_len_dist_short.index, y=new_sent_len_dist_short.values, ax=ax, palette="YlGnBu")
#plt.xticks(rotation=30) !!! very useful for words
plt.savefig(f"{series}/freq_distribution/{canon_or_fanfic}_sent_len_short.png") # "throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_sent_len.png"
# calculate the standard deviation, mean, token/type ratio
standard_deviation_sent = statistics.stdev(sent_lens)
mean_sent = statistics.mean(sent_lens)
return standard_deviation_sent, mean_sent
# overall pos_tag frequency distribution
# pos_tag ngrams; (maybe exclude stopwords?)
# tag collocates for specific tags --> adjectives most frequently with nouns
# most frequent words
# most frequent words for specific tags --> punctuation;
# most frequent adjectives
def pos_tag_frequencies(corpus, series, canon_or_fanfic):
#nltk.pos_tag(text) --> [('And', 'CC'), ('now', 'RB'), ('for', 'IN'), ('something', 'NN'),
#('completely', 'RB'), ('different', 'JJ')]
tokens = word_tokenize(corpus)
short_tokens = []
for token in tokens:
dehyphenated_token = []
letter_present = 0
dehyphenated = 0
second_word_in_compound = 0
for c in token:
if c.isalpha() == True:
letter_present = 1
if dehyphenated == 1:
second_word_in_compound = 1
elif c.isalpha() == False and letter_present == 1: #here I am eliminating both dashes and hyphens,
#bc it skews the word metric if red-blue is counted as a 9 character token, boosting the count of
# high-character tokens significantly. all texts will be preprocessed the same way, so it shouldn't make a difference,
# relatively speaking
dehyphenated_token_joined = ''.join(map(str, dehyphenated_token))
short_tokens.append(c) #append the hyphen/ other punctuation --> we're also interested in that
dehyphenated_token = []
letter_present = 0
dehyphenated = 1
second_word_in_compound = 0
if letter_present == 1 and dehyphenated == 0:
short_tokens.append(token) #catching the tokens that didn't have any special characters; but not the dehyphenated ones twice
elif letter_present == 1 and dehyphenated == 1 and second_word_in_compound == 1:
short_tokens.append(''.join(map(str, dehyphenated_token)))
tag_token_tuples = pos_tag(tokens)
punctuation_regex = r"[^\w\s]+"
summarised_tags = []
punctuation_tags = []
index = 0
for token, tag in tag_token_tuples:
if re.match(punctuation_regex, token):
if re.match(r"[\"\'“”’‘]+", token):
elif re.match(r"[,;:.?!-]+", token):
punctuation_tags.append("ellipsis" if token == "." and tag_token_tuples[index+1][1] == "." and tag_token_tuples[index+2][1] == "." else "full_stop" if token == "." else "question_mark" if token == "?" else "exclamation_mark" if token == "!" else "comma" if token == "," else "semicolon" if token == ";" else "dash" if token == "-" else "other_punct")
punctuation_tags.append("full_stop" if token == "." else "question_mark" if token == "?" else "exclamation_mark" if token == "!" else "comma" if token == "," else "semicolon" if token == ";" else "dash" if token == "-" else "other_punct")
if tag in ["MD", "VB", "VBD", "VBG", "VBN", "VBP", "VBZ"]:
elif tag in ["JJ", "JJR", "JJS"]:
elif tag in ["RB", "RBR", "RBS", "WRB"]:
elif tag in ["PRP", "PRP$", "WP", "WP$"]:
elif tag in ["NNP", "NNPS"]:
elif tag in ["NN", "NNS"]:
elif tag in ["DT", "PDT", "WDT"]:
elif tag == "CC":
elif tag == "IN":
elif tag in ["$", "CD", "EX", "LS", "POS", "SYM", "TO", "UH", "RP", "FW"]:
index += 1
tag_freq_dist = FreqDist(summarised_tags)
# convert FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
tag_freq_dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(tag_freq_dist))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_tag_freq_dist = tag_freq_dist_panda.sort_index()
for i in range(0, len(new_tag_freq_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_tag_freq_dist.iat[i] = round(new_tag_freq_dist.iat[i]/len(tag_token_tuples), 2) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
addlabels(x=new_tag_freq_dist.index, y=new_tag_freq_dist.values)
plt.title(f"POS Tag Frequencies for the {series.replace('_' , ' ').title()} {canon_or_fanfic.replace('_' , ' ').title()}")
ax.set_xlabel("POS Tags")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
sns.barplot(x=new_tag_freq_dist.index, y=new_tag_freq_dist.values, ax=ax, palette="RdPu")
plt.xticks(rotation=30) # !!! very useful for words
plt.savefig(f"{series}/freq_distribution/{canon_or_fanfic}_pos_tag_frequencies.png") # "throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_sent_len.png"
#punctuation frequency distribution
punct_tag_freq_dist = FreqDist(punctuation_tags)
# convert FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
punct_tag_freq_dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(punct_tag_freq_dist))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_punct_tag_freq_dist = punct_tag_freq_dist_panda.sort_index()
for i in range(0, len(new_punct_tag_freq_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_punct_tag_freq_dist.iat[i] = round(new_punct_tag_freq_dist.iat[i]/len(punctuation_tags), 3) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
addlabels(x=new_punct_tag_freq_dist.index, y=new_punct_tag_freq_dist.values)
plt.title(f"Punctuation Frequencies for the {series.replace('_' , ' ').title()} {canon_or_fanfic.replace('_' , ' ').title()}")
ax.set_xlabel("Types of Punctuation")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
sns.barplot(x=new_punct_tag_freq_dist.index, y=new_punct_tag_freq_dist.values, ax=ax, palette="OrRd")
plt.xticks(rotation=30) # !!! very useful for words
plt.savefig(f"{series}/freq_distribution/{canon_or_fanfic}_punctuation_frequencies.png") # "throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_sent_len.png"
#create the Mendenhall Curve for the Throne of Glass Series
std_dev_tokens_tog_canon, mean_tokens_tog_canon, type_token_ratio_tog_canon = mendenhall_curve(read_works_into_string(f"throne_of_glass/data/canon_works"), "Mendenhall Curve for the Throne of Glass Series", f"throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_token_len.png")
#create the Mendenhall Curve for the Grishaverse Books
std_dev_tokens_grishaverse_canon, mean_tokens_grishaverse_canon, type_token_ratio_grishaverse_canon = mendenhall_curve(read_works_into_string(f"grishaverse/data/canon_works"), "Mendenhall Curve for the Grishaverse Books", f"grishaverse/freq_distribution/all_canon_token_len.png")
# Mendenhall Curve Sentence Lengths for Throne of Glass Canon
std_dev_sent_tog_canon, mean_sent_tog_canon = sentence_metrics(read_works_into_string(f"throne_of_glass/data/canon_works"), "Mendenhall Curve for Sentence Lenghts for the Throne of Glass Series", "throne_of_glass", "canon")
# Mendenhall Curve Sentence Lenghts for Grishavers Canon
std_dev_sent_grishaverse_canon, mean_sent_grishaverse_canon = sentence_metrics(read_works_into_string(f"grishaverse/data/canon_works"), "Mendenhall Curve for Sentence Lenghts for the Grishaverse Books", "grishaverse", "canon")
# POS Tag frequencies for TOG
pos_tag_frequencies(read_works_into_string(f"throne_of_glass/data/canon_works"), "throne_of_glass", "canon")
# POS Tag frequencies for Grishaverse
pos_tag_frequencies(read_works_into_string(f"grishaverse/data/canon_works"), "grishaverse", "canon")
def run_functions(directory_path):
mean_tks = []
idx = []
std_dev_tks = []
ttrs = []
mean_sts= []
std_dev_sts = []
#for txt_fic in os.listdir(directory_path):
works = os.listdir(directory_path)
pattern = r"^[a-zA-Z_]+(?=/)" # get series from directory path
match =, directory_path)
if match:
series =
for work in works:
with open(f"{directory_path}"+f"/{work}", "r") as f:
f =
std_dev_tk, mean_tk, ttr = mendenhall_curve(f, f"Mendenhall Curve for the {series.replace('_' , ' ').title()} {work[:-4].replace('_' , ' ').title()}", f"{series}/freq_distribution/{work[:-4]}_token_len.png")
std_dev_st, mean_st = sentence_metrics(f, f"Mendenhall Curve for Sentence Lenghts for the {series.replace('_' , ' ').title()} {work[:-4].replace('_' , ' ').title()}", series, work[:-4])
pos_tag_frequencies(f, series, work[:-4])
#create lists for each of the columns of the dataframe we'll create
mean_tokens = [mean_tokens_tog_canon, mean_tokens_grishaverse_canon]
std_dev_tokens = [std_dev_tokens_tog_canon, std_dev_tokens_grishaverse_canon]
type_token_ratio = [type_token_ratio_tog_canon, type_token_ratio_grishaverse_canon]
mean_sent = [mean_sent_tog_canon, mean_sent_grishaverse_canon]
std_dev_sents = [std_dev_sent_tog_canon, std_dev_sent_grishaverse_canon]
index = ["throne_of_glass_canon", "grishaverse_canon"]
# create a dataframe to store all the overview statistics in
# columns mean_tokens; std_dev_tokens; freq_token_len_1; ...; freq_token_len_15;
# mean_sent; std_dev_sent; freq_sent_len ....
# tag_frequencies
# tag_ngram_frequencies
# punctuation frequencies
# token/type ratio
data_overview = pd.DataFrame(
index = index
if __name__ == "__main__":
# code snippets for prettifying plots
CB91_Blue = '#2CBDFE'
CB91_Green = '#47DBCD'
CB91_Pink = '#F3A0F2'
CB91_Purple = '#9D2EC5'
CB91_Violet = '#661D98'
CB91_Amber = '#F5B14C'
color_list = [CB91_Pink, CB91_Blue, CB91_Green, CB91_Amber,
CB91_Purple, CB91_Violet]
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = plt.cycler(color=color_list)
#some colour palette playing around
cm = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=.5, rot=-.75, as_cmap=True)
cm1 = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=.5, rot=-.5, as_cmap=True)
cm2 = sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ CB91_Purple = '#9D2EC5'
CB91_Violet = '#661D98'
CB91_Amber = '#F5B14C'
color_list = [pink, light_green, purple_grey, blue_grey, CB91_Green, CB91_Pink, CB91_Blue, CB91_Amber,
color_list = [ blue_grey, CB91_Amber, pink, light_green, CB91_Green, CB91_Pink, CB91_Blue,
CB91_Purple, CB91_Violet]
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = plt.cycler(color=color_list)
......@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ cm = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=.5, rot=-.75, as_cmap=True)
cm1 = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=.5, rot=-.5, as_cmap=True)
cm2 = sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True)
#palette_1 = sns.color_palette("flare")
#palette_2 = sns.color_palette("mako_r", as_cmap=True)
# actual preprocessing code
#file header:
# work_id,title,author,rating,category,fandom,relationship,character,additional tags,language,published,status,status date,words,chapters,comments,kudos,bookmarks,hits,all_kudos,all_bookmarks,body
# 27852922,Dealing with Our Demons,['ravenyenn19'],Mature,F/M,"Six of Crows Series",Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa,"Kaz B","Romance,Kanej - Freeform, Eventual Smut",English,2020-12-03,Updated,2023-03-16,747673,162/?,8573,12204,1373,709212,"['ud4m', 'book_addict_1228', 'ephemeraldelights', 'bluedelilah25', 'sunshinecorsets', 'I_do_not_like_purple_glasses', 'beep_boop_00', 'schleswigholstein', 'moonandstars75', 'ewerythingoes', 'mindfighters', 'rosibunnis', 'Lizie06', 'ghostlatte', 'aguswolman', 'QueenofEnglan', 'JenBoyette04', 'gnitneb_reads', 'gloomysunshine', 'v1ofvs', 'BazzaKrekker', 'BookGeek', 'poppyflower19', 'Cassanibal', 'vanilla_chai_tea', 'Honorthyword', 'mariaarmengol', 'luc1inda', 'zarawrites', 'monmough', 'Guilty__Pleasures', 'Ilyann', 'folieadeux_0_0', 'dragonguard', 'Emeliemarx', 'angrydabee', 'slythxrclaw', 'samaram0215', 'letsgetthisbread69', 'Mintmew', 'biblichour', 'Katloupet', 'Miss_ginger', 'inejsquake', 'Arabella_7833', 'flossy_flo99', 'a_k123', 'hushedwanderer', 'siriuslymichele', 'AnnaAvinaVTDX']",[],"Dear Kaz,
......@@ -45,90 +45,49 @@ cm2 = sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True)
grisha_fanfics = pd.read_csv("grishaverse/data/fanfics/grishaverse_fics.csv")
tog_fanfics = pd.read_csv("throne_of_glass/data/fanfics/throne_of_glass_fics.csv")
# plot distribution of kudos for Grishaverse Fanfics
grisha_kudos = grisha_fanfics["kudos"].values.tolist()
grisha_kudos_freq_dist = FreqDist(grisha_kudos)
# convert to FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(grisha_kudos_freq_dist))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_dist = dist_panda.sort_index()
for i in range(0, len(new_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_dist.iat[i] = round(new_dist.iat[i]/len(grisha_kudos), 3) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
#if float(new_token_len_dist.iat[i]) == 0.00:
# new_token_len_dist.drop(index=i) # here it is used as the label, so we want the index, not index -1; bad work-around, I'm sorry
#calculate cumulative distribution
cum_dist = np.cumsum(new_dist.values)
# plot using matplotlib and seaborn
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
#addlabels(x=new_sent_len_dist.index, y=new_sent_len_dist.values)
def read_csv_to_pd(file_path, name_of_file) -> pd: #fix type hints
name_of_file = pd.read_csv(file_path)
return name_of_file
plt.title("Grishaverse Cumulative Frequency Distribution of All Kudos")
ax.set_xlabel("Number of Kudos")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
def calculate_cum_kudo_distribution(fanfic_pd):
fanfic_kudos = fanfic_pd["kudos"].values.tolist()
fanfic_kudos_freq_dist = FreqDist(fanfic_kudos)
# convert to FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(fanfic_kudos_freq_dist))
sns.lineplot(x=new_dist.index, y=cum_dist, ax=ax)
#plt.xticks(rotation=30) !!! very useful for words
fig.savefig(f"grishaverse/freq_distribution/fanfic_kudo_freq_dist.png") # "throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_sent_len.png"
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
new_dist = dist_panda.sort_index()
# plot distribution of kudos for Throne of Glass Fanfics
for i in range(0, len(new_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_dist.iat[i] = round(new_dist.iat[i]/len(fanfic_kudos), 3) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
#if float(new_token_len_dist.iat[i]) == 0.00:
# new_token_len_dist.drop(index=i) # here it is used as the label, so we want the index, not index -1; bad work-around, I'm sorry
tog_kudos = tog_fanfics["kudos"].values.tolist()
#calculate cumulative distribution
cum_dist = np.cumsum(new_dist.values)
return new_dist, cum_dist
tog_kudos_freq_dist = FreqDist(tog_kudos)
# convert to FreqDist object to a pandas series for easier processing
dist_panda = pd.Series(dict(tog_kudos_freq_dist))
# sort, normalise and round the panda series
def plot_distribution(new_dist, cum_dist, plt_title, file_path_for_pic:str, x_label="Number of Kudos", y_label="Percentage of Occurence", scatter_plt=False, max_ticks=10):
if scatter_plt:
sns.scatterplot(x=new_dist.index, y=cum_dist)
#plt.xticks(new_dist.index[::100], new_dist.index[::100])
new_dist = dist_panda.sort_index()
sns.lineplot(x=new_dist.index, y=cum_dist)
for i in range(0, len(new_dist.index)):
#for index in new_token_len_dist.index:
new_dist.iat[i] = round(new_dist.iat[i]/len(tog_kudos), 3) #index-1 bc the index starts counting from zero, the word lengths not
#if float(new_token_len_dist.iat[i]) == 0.00:
# new_token_len_dist.drop(index=i) # here it is used as the label, so we want the index, not index -1; bad work-around, I'm sorry
#calculate cumulative distribution
cum_dist = np.cumsum(new_dist.values)
# plot using matplotlib and seaborn
# set figure, ax into variables
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# call function for bar (value) labels
#addlabels(x=new_sent_len_dist.index, y=new_sent_len_dist.values)
plt.title("Throne of Glass Cumulative Frequency Distribution of Kudos")
ax.set_xlabel("Number of Kudos")
ax.set_ylabel("Percentage of Occurence")
sns.lineplot(x=new_dist.index, y=cum_dist, ax=ax)
#plt.xticks(rotation=30) !!! very useful for words
fig.savefig(f"throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/fanfic_kudo_freq_dist.png") # "throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/all_canon_sent_len.png"
def preprocess_data(df, series):
def separate_fanfics_by_good_medium_bad(df, series):
good_fics = []
medium_fics = []
bad_fics = []
......@@ -163,6 +122,16 @@ def preprocess_data(df, series):
preprocess_data(grisha_fanfics, "grishaverse")
preprocess_data(tog_fanfics, "throne_of_glass")
\ No newline at end of file
if __name__ == "__main__":
#grisha_fanfics = read_csv_to_pd(file_path="grishaverse/data/fanfics/grishaverse_fics.csv", name_of_file=grisha_fanfics)
#new_dist, cum_dist = calculate_cum_kudo_distribution(grisha_fanfics)
#plot_distribution(new_dist=new_dist, cum_dist=cum_dist, plt_title="Grishaverse Cumulative Frequency Distribution of All Kudos", file_path_for_pic="grishaverse/freq_distribution/fanfic_kudo_freq_dist.png", scatter_plt=_plt=True)
#throne of glass
tog_fanfics = read_csv_to_pd(file_path="throne_of_glass/data/fanfics/throne_of_glass_fics.csv", name_of_file=tog_fanfics)
new_dist, cum_dist = calculate_cum_kudo_distribution(tog_fanfics)
plot_distribution(new_dist=new_dist, cum_dist=cum_dist, plt_title="Throne of Glass Cumulative Frequency Distribution of All Kudos", file_path_for_pic= "throne_of_glass/freq_distribution/fanfic_kudo_freq_dist.png", scatter_plt=True)
#separate_fanfics_by_good_medium_bad(grisha_fanfics, "grishaverse")
#separate_fanfics_by_good_medium_bad(tog_fanfics, "throne_of_glass")

33 KiB | W: | H:


41.1 KiB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -13,27 +13,6 @@ import re
# you'll have to also download "punkt" from nltk
# code snippets for prettifying plots
CB91_Blue = '#2CBDFE'
CB91_Green = '#47DBCD'
CB91_Pink = '#F3A0F2'
CB91_Purple = '#9D2EC5'
CB91_Violet = '#661D98'
CB91_Amber = '#F5B14C'
color_list = [CB91_Pink, CB91_Blue, CB91_Green, CB91_Amber,
CB91_Purple, CB91_Violet]
plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = plt.cycler(color=color_list)
#some colour palette playing around
cm = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=.5, rot=-.75, as_cmap=True)
cm1 = sns.cubehelix_palette(start=.5, rot=-.5, as_cmap=True)
cm2 = sns.cubehelix_palette(as_cmap=True)
# create function for bar (value) labels
def addlabels(x,y):
for i in range(len(x)):
......@@ -482,10 +461,6 @@ mean_sent = [mean_sent_tog_canon, mean_sent_grishaverse_canon]
std_dev_sents = [std_dev_sent_tog_canon, std_dev_sent_grishaverse_canon]
index = ["throne_of_glass_canon", "grishaverse_canon"]
# create a dataframe to store all the overview statistics in
# columns mean_tokens; std_dev_tokens; freq_token_len_1; ...; freq_token_len_15;
# mean_sent; std_dev_sent; freq_sent_len ....
......@@ -502,5 +477,9 @@ data_overview = pd.DataFrame(
index = index
if __name__ == "__main__":

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