This project aims to eplore the **SpanBERT's** :robot: comprehension of the phenomenon of veridicality in entailments. **Verb veridicality** is the extent of the **truth content** a verb in a matrix sentence determines for its complement. For example: <br>
The light started to get brighter. **started** ==> veridical because "The light *started* to get brighter" entails that "the light got brighter :fire:" is true.
For our project we will use **Masked Language Modelling** :performing_arts: and mask:
1. the **conjunction** between the entailments
2. the **veridicality verb**
Our four Bert :frog: models will be:
1. Berti-Bert :penguin: (:frog: on Zero-Shot)
2. Multi-Bert :ghost: (:frog: trained on the MNLI dataset)
3. Verdi-Bert :crocodile: (:frog: trained on the veridicality dataset)
4. Scii-Bert :bird: (:frog: trained on the sci dataset)
Our four SpanBERT :robot: models will be:
1. Berti-Spanbert :penguin: (:robot: on Zero-Shot)
2. Multi-Spanbert :ghost: (:robot: trained on the MNLI dataset)
3. Verdi-Spanbert :crocodile: (:robot: trained on the veridicality dataset)
4. Scii-Spanbert :bird: (:robot: trained on the sci dataset)
-[Throne of Glass AO3 Fandom](*d*+Maas) accessed on 2023-04-10 19:00:22.627162
-[Grisha Trilogy AO3 Fandom]( accessed on 2023-04-10 18:49:27.892117