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schedule.config.tex 2.87 KiB
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%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Configuration file for LaTeX schedules, KEEP AS IS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is the configuration file to typeset a LaTeX schedule. It defines        %
% the days, the separator lines, the hour marks, the durations of lectures etc. %
%                                                                               % 
% You probably won't have to change this file, unless you need e.g. a special   %
% duration, add another day or change the time range covered by the schedule.   %

% Style for Days
\tikzstyle{day}=[draw, rectangle,  minimum height=1cm, minimum width=0.20\textwidth, fill=gray!20,anchor=south west]
% Style for hours
\tikzstyle{hour}=[draw, rectangle, minimum height=1 cm, minimum width=1.5 cm, fill=gray!20,anchor=north east]

% Styles for events
% Duration of sequences
\tikzstyle{hours}=[rectangle,draw, minimum width=0.2\textwidth, anchor=north west,text centered,text width=10 em]
\tikzstyle{1hour}=[hours,minimum height=1cm]
\tikzstyle{1.5hours}=[hours,minimum height=1.5cm]
\tikzstyle{2hours}=[hours,minimum height=2cm]
\tikzstyle{2.5hours}=[hours,minimum height=2.5cm]
\tikzstyle{3hours}=[hours,minimum height=3cm]

% Use this when events overlap
\tikzstyle{parallelhoursright}=[rectangle,draw, minimum width=0.1\textwidth, anchor=north east,text centered,text width=3.5 em]
\tikzstyle{parallelhoursleft}=[rectangle,draw, minimum width=0.1\textwidth, anchor=north west,text centered,text width=3.5 em]
\tikzstyle{parallel1.5hoursright}=[parallelhoursright,minimum height=1.5cm]
\tikzstyle{parallel1.5hoursleft}=[parallelhoursleft,minimum height=1.5cm]

% Draw horizontal seperators
\draw (1,9) -- (6,9);
\draw (1,10) -- (6,10);
\draw (1,11) -- (6,11);
\draw (1,12) -- (6,12);
\draw (1,13) -- (6,13);
\draw (1,14) -- (6,14);
\draw (1,15) -- (6,15);
\draw (1,16) -- (6,16);
\draw (1,17) -- (6,17);
\draw (1,18) -- (6,18);
\draw (1,19) -- (6,19);
\draw (1,20) -- (6,20);
\draw (1,21) -- (6,21);

% Positioning labels for days and hours
\node[day] (montag) at (1,8) {Montag};
\node[day] (dienstag) [right = of montag] {Dienstag};
\node[day] (mittwoch) [right = of dienstag] {Mittwoch};
\node[day] (donnerstag) [right = of mittwoch] {Donnerstag};
\node[day] (freitag) [right = of donnerstag] {Freitag};
\node[hour] (8-9) at (1,8) {8 Uhr};
\node[hour] (9-10) [below = of 8-9] {9 Uhr};
\node[hour] (10-11) [below= of 9-10] {10 Uhr};
\node[hour] (11-12) [below = of 10-11] {11 Uhr};
\node[hour] (12-13) [below  = of 11-12] {12 Uhr};
\node[hour] (13-14) [below = of 12-13] {13 Uhr};
\node[hour] (14-15) [below = of 13-14] {14 Uhr};
\node[hour] (15-16) [below = of 14-15] {15 Uhr};
\node[hour] (16-17) [below = of 15-16] {16 Uhr};
\node[hour] (17-18) [below = of 16-17] {17 Uhr};
\node[hour] (18-19) [below = of 17-18] {18 Uhr};
\node[hour] (19-20) [below = of 18-19] {19 Uhr};
\node[hour] (20-21) [below = of 19-20] {20 Uhr};