%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Actual Coli Summer LaTeX schedule, CHANGE AS NEEDED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This file contains the actual data to typeset a Coli LaTeX schedule for summer %
% semesters. You will probably have to change it every semester with the new %
% timetable information. %
% %
% Good luck! %
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.2\textwidth, y=-1 cm, node distance=0 cm,outer sep = 0pt]
% Styles for the events.
% For details, see schedule.winter.tex
\tikzstyle{Logik_Tut}=[1.5hours,fill=green!20, dashed]
\tikzstyle{ProgI_Tut}=[1.5hours,fill=blue!12, dashed]
\tikzstyle{Korpuslinguistik}=[1.5hours, fill=purple!15]
\tikzstyle{ProgII}=[1.5hours, fill=yellow!10, dotted]
\tikzstyle{ProgII_Tut}=[1.5hours, fill=yellow!10, dashed]
\tikzstyle{Syntax}=[1.5hours, fill=orange!15, dotted]
\tikzstyle{Syntax_Tut}=[1.5hours, fill=orange!15, dashed]
% The actual events.
% For details, see schedule.summer.tex
\node[Logik] at (1, 10.25) {Logische Grundlagen \\ SR 14, INF 306};
\node[ProgI] at (1, 13.25) {Programmieren I \\ SR 25, INF 328};
\node[ProgI] at (1, 15.25) {Programmieren I \\ SR 25, INF 328};
\node[ProgII] at (1, 17.25) {Programmieren II: Fortgeschrittene \\ SR 14, INF 306};
\node[ProgI_Tut] at (4, 13.25) {Tutorium Programmieren I \\ SR 36, INF 329};
\node[ProgI_Tut] at (4, 15.25) {Tutorium Programmieren I \\ SR 36, INF 329};
\node[ProgII] at (3, 13.25) {Programmieren II: Fortgeschrittene \\ SR 14, INF 306};
\node[ProgII_Tut] at (3, 15.25) {Tutorium: Programmieren II \\ SR 28, INF 326};
\node[Syntax] at (2, 15.25) {Formale Syntax \\ SR 25, INF 328};
\node[Syntax] at (3, 10.25) {Formale Syntax \\ SR 14, INF 306};
\node[Syntax_Tut] at (4, 10.25) {Tutorium: Formale Syntax \\ SR 26, INF 329};
\node[Korpuslinguistik] at (5, 10.25) {Einführung in die Korpuslinguistik \\ SR 1, INF 327};
\node[ProgII_Tut] at (5, 13.25){Tutorium: Programmieren II \\ SR 27, INF 326};