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%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Actual Coli Winter LaTeX schedule, CHANGE AS NEEDED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This file contains the actual data to typeset a Coli LaTeX schedule for winter %
% semesters. You will probably have to change it every semester with the new     %
% timetable information.                                                         %
%                                                                                %
% Good luck!                                                                     %

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.2\textwidth, y=-1 cm, node distance=0 cm,outer sep = 0pt]

    % Styles for the events. A style has a name, a color, a border style
    % and a column span (full-width or half-width).
    % Usually, you'd define one style for each lecture type (e.g. one style
    % ECL) and for each tutorial type (e.g. one style ECLTut), so you can
    % e.g. have all ECL sessions in blue and all ECL tutorial sessions
    % in light blue etc.
    % Sometimes, however, you'll need more than one style per lecture type,
    % namely when the lecture is sometimes parallel to other lectures, in which
    % case you might need a style for "ECL lecture ssesion occupying only the
    % right half of a column".
    % As an example:
    % \tikzstyle{EineVorlesung}=[1.5hours,fill=blue!30]
    % \tikzstyle{EinTut}=[1.5hours,fill=blue!15,dashed]
    % \tikzstyle{AndereVorlesungHalb}=[parallel1.5hoursleft,fill=green!30]
    % \tikzstyle{InformatikVorlesungHalb}=[parallel1.5hoursright,fill=red!30]





    % The actual events. An event has the following form:
    % \node[style] at (x,y) {label};
    % If the event is a full-width event, the first number "x" identifies a column
    % (i.e. 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday).
    % If the even is a half-width event, the first number "x" identifies a half-column
    % (i.e. 1 = Monday left, 2 = Monday right, 3 = Tuesday left, 4 = Tuesday right, ...)
    % The second number "y" identifies the time, in hours (minutes are represented as
    % fractions), e.g. "10" means "10:00", "10.25" (10 and a quarter) means "10:15",
    % "10.75" means "10:45".
    % The style is one of the styles declared above.
    % The label can be given arbitrarily. We normally put the lecture in the first
    % column, force a linebreak with \\ and then put the location.
    % As an example:
    % \node[ECL] at (2,10.25) {Einführung in die \\Computerlinguistik \\INF 306, SR 20};

    \node[ECL] at (2,10.25) {Einführung in die \\Computerlinguistik \\INF 306, SR 20};
    \node[ECL] at (3,10.25) {Einführung in die \\Computerlinguistik \\INF 328, SR 25};
    \node[Sprawi] at (1,17.25) {Einführung in die \\ Sprachwissenschaft\\INF 327, SR 1};
    \node[ProgI] at (1,10.25) {Programmieren I\\INF 327, SR 1};
    \node[ProgIhalb] at (1,13.25) {Prog I\\INF\,327, SR 1};
    % Technische Informatik wird nicht mehr empfohlen,
    \node[Mathe] at (3,17.25) {Mathematische Grundlagen \\ INF 328, SR 25};
    \node[Mathe] at (5,10.25) {Mathematische Grundlagen \\ INF 327, SR 1};

    \node[ECLTut] at (3,15.25) {Tutorium: Einf. in die Computerlinguistik\\INF 346, SR 10};
    \node[ECLTut] at (5,13.25) {Tutorium: Einf. in die Computerlinguistik\\INF 346, SR 10};
    \node[ProgITut] at (2,15.25) {Tutorium: Programmieren I\\INF 327, SR 1};
    \node[ProgITut] at (4,10.25) {Tutorium: Programmieren I\\INF 306, SR 14};
    \node[MatheTut] at (1,15.25) {Tutorium: Mathematische Grundlagen\\INF 325, SR 24};
    \node[SprawiTut] at (4,13.25) {Tutorium: Einf. in die Sprachwissenschaft\\INF 346, SR 10};
