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Prioritized labels 0

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Other labels 10

  • Continue here
    Only one issue per active contributor, names the issue with which the contributor should continue when returning to the project after longer absence
  • Help wanted
    An issue that new contributors could help solve.
  • Optional
    Issues that don't necessarily need to be implemented
  • Priority: High
    Anything that needs to be done soon or is a big issue. Major cornerstones of a project should usually be high priority issues.
  • Priority: Low
    Anything that should be done sometime, but is really not that important
  • Priority: Medium
    Anything that needs to be done sooner or later.
  • Progress: Blocked
    Can't be implemented, because it depends on something else
  • Issues that are in development
  • Implemented issues that now need to be tested
  • Progress: Stale
    Issues that were in development once, but that haven't been worked on for a long time