import numpy as np
from textblob import TextBlob
extract-method returns a feature-vector with one value indicating
if there is a contrast between the star rating and the sentiment
of the review, or not
def extract(self, corpus_instance):
Extracts single "contrast" feature from a single corpus instance.
Returns numpy array of size 1.
review = corpus_instance["REVIEW"]
stars = float(corpus_instance["STARS"])
#sent = self.__get_sent_vader(review)
sent = self.__get_sent_textblob(review)
if (sent <= 0.0 and stars > 3.0) or (sent > 0.0 and stars < 3.0):
return np.array([1])
return np.array([0])
# def __get_sent_vader(self, string):
# analyser = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
# sent = analyser.polarity_scores(string)
# return sent['compound']
def __get_sent_textblob(self, string):
blob = TextBlob(string)
return blob.sentiment.polarity
def get_feature_names(self):
return ['sent/rating-contrast']