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\section{\texorpdfstring{\faIcon{users} Accounts}{Accounts}}

	\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=color1, left=2mm, right=2mm,hyperlink=subsec:Account-Comparison]
		\textbf{\small\faIcon{user}\normalsize \hspace{2px} University Account}\\
		University-wide services

	\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=color1, left=2mm, right=2mm,hyperlink=subsec:Account-Comparison]
		\textbf{\small\faIcon{user}\normalsize \hspace{2px} CL Account}\\
		Services of the Department of Computational Linguistics

	\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=normal!92!fg, left=2mm, right=2mm,hyperlink=subsec:Department-Password]
		\small\faIcon{lock}\normalsize \hspace{2px} ICL Password / Department Password

	\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=normal!92!fg, left=2mm, right=2mm,hyperlink=subsec:Other-Accounts]
		\small\faIcon{user}\normalsize \hspace{2px} Other optional accounts: MÜSLI and MaMpf

\subsection{Why multiple accounts?}

\begin{frame}{University Account vs. CL Account}
	% Hide caption of talltblr
		note{1} = {\footnotesize\url{}}
		vline{2,3} = {-}{lightgray}
		& \textbf{University Account} & \textbf{CL Account} \\
		Purpose & University-wide services & Services of the department \\
		Managed by & {University computing\\centre} & Gruppe Technik \\
		Username & Uni ID (\texttt{ab123}) & {e.g. last name in\\lower case (\texttt{mustermann})} \\
		Problems? & URZ IT-Service\TblrNote{1} & \texttt{} \\
		Status quo & {You should have one\\already} & {You will get one soon}

\begin{frame}{Why are the accounts important?}
		\item Both have their own email address
		\item The department expects you to read both email addresses regularly
		\item You will receive mails such as:
			\item Keys for Moodle courses
			\item Reminders for re-registration
			\item Reminders for registration to courses
			\item Information on unexpected problems
		\item Even if you don't want to use the other services for now, you need an account because of the mails

		\item Two accounts: University account and CL account
		\item Different emails are sent to both accounts, you have to read both!
		\item The accounts allow the usage of different services
	\begin{alertblock}{Both accounts are important}
		You will need \textbf{an University account as well as a CL account} for your CL studies!
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\subsection{How to get those accounts?}

\begin{frame}{University Account}
		\item Recieved with your immatriculation
		\item If you don't have one, contact the URZ

\begin{frame}{CL Account}
		\item Please send a mail with the following information \textbf{from your university email}\footnote{If you don't have one yet, take another private mail address.}
			\item First name
			\item Last name
			\item Matriculation number
			\item Mail address (may be your university email)
			\item Uni-ID
		\item We will create a CL account for you
		\item You can (and should) send this mail \textbf{soon}

\begin{frame}{Pool test}
		\item Your new CL account has access to mail etc., but does not allow login at the compute servers and pool computers.
		\item Fully unlocked account requires verification of some linux knowledge. Thus:
			\item Linux Introduction (today)
			\item If necessary, practice a little
			\item Go through and pass the pool test tasks (online)
		\item Recommendation: Do this as soon as possible. You have as many attempts as you need.

		\item Send a mail with your personal data from your Uni mail address to us to receive a CL account.
		\item Pass the pool test to fully unlock the account.
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\subsection{Services (University Account)}

\begin{frame}{University Mail}
        \item Address: \texttt{<firstname>.<lastname>} / \texttt{<Uni-ID>}
        \item If you don't automatically get a named alias, you can request one
        \item Available via web interface or IMAP/SMTP within your mail client

\begin{frame}{University Mail: Web Interface}

\begin{frame}{University Mail: Mail Forwarding}
        \item Log in to the web interface
        \item \menu{\faCog > Mail > Forward}
        \item Activate ``Forward incoming messages"
        \item Enter the target mail address
        \item \menu{\faSave}

        \item Digital learning platform
        \item Many courses make their material available via Moodle
        \item Lecturers can also create discussion forums, announcements and videos
        \item Login with Uni acount, enrolment to specific courses with respective keys (which you usually recieve from the lecturer)


        \item Instant messaging service for students and employees of the university
        \item Heimeliger Online-Pool (organised by the Fachschaft), Coli Freshers' Room
        \item Accessible via web interface
        \item Strongly recommended: Install the app (mobile or desktop) to avoid encryption problems

\begin{frame}{heiCHAT: Desktop-Anwendung}

\begin{frame}{Further Services}
        \item \textbf{heiCO}: Platform for study \& examination administration (more on this later)
        \item \texttt{eduoroam}-\textbf{WLAN}
        \item \textbf{VPN}: Remote access to the university network
        \item \textbf{heiBOX}: 10 GB cloud storage
        \item Details and more services can be found at \url{}

		\item The URZ (university computing centre) offers a variety of services for students
		\item Access your university email at \url{}
		\item Optional: you can redirect your mails to a private account
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\subsection{Services (CL Account)}

		\item Mail
		\item GitLab
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		\item Overleaf
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		\item Wiki (not too relevant anymore)
		\item Login to servers and pool computers
	Detailed instructions and help on typical problems can be found in the FAQ in our GitLab instance: \url{}

\begin{frame}{CL Mail}
        \item Address: \texttt{<lastname>}
        \item Available via web interface or IMAP/SMTP within your mail client

\begin{frame}{CL Mail: Web Interface}

\begin{frame}{CL Mail: Mail Forwarding}
        \item Log in to the web interface
        \item \menu{Settings > Filters}, click \menu{Create}
        \item Filter definition:
            \item Scope: ``all messages"
            \item Actions: ``Redirect message to"
            \item Enter the target mail address
        \item \menu{Save}

        \item Web interface for the version control software Git
        \item Also includes tools for project management
        \item Relevant for (group) implementation projects in higher semesters


\begin{frame}{Compute Servers}
        \item Servers for computing on more powerful hardware, usually operated using the terminal
        \item You have to pass the pool test to use the servers
        \item \texttt{ella}: fast and only for students
        \item \texttt{last}: even faster and also only for students
        \item \texttt{CLuster}: such fast!!

\begin{frame}{Compute Servers: Terminal}
        \texttt{ssh <username>}

\begin{frame}{Computer Pool}
        \item About 32 identical computers
            \item You have to pass the pooltest to use the computers
            \item Running Debian GNU/Linux
        \item HD presenter for presentations and slide shows
        \item Couch and lockers
        \item Other colis
        \item A wall full of memes
        \item Life jackets under your seats
        \item Card-controlled entry system
            \item Pool cards are available for 2 Euro (deposit)

\begin{frame}{Computer Pool}
        Department of Computational Linguistics, INF 325, Heidelberg

		\item The ICL offers a variety of Services
		\item FAQ: \url{}
		\item Access your CL email at \url{}
        \item Optional: you can redirect your mails to a private account
        \item Participate in the pool test to fully unlock your CL account
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\subsection{Department Password}

\begin{frame}{Not really an account: the department password}
		\item Password for non-public parts of the department website (\url{})
		\item Managed by the \textbf{Gruppe Technik}
		\item Username, if requested: \texttt{coli}
		\item Password: \textit{You'll be told now}
		\item Sometimes needed to access course materials

\subsection{Other Optional Accounts}

\begin{frame}{Still hungry? Other optional accounts}
		\item \textbf{MÜSLI}: \textbf{M}athematisches \textbf{Ü}bungsgruppen- und \textbf{S}chein\textbf{l}isten-\textbf{I}nterface
			\item Needed for enrolment to (mainly) computer science courses
			\item Register at \url{} when needed

		\item \textbf{MaMpf}: \textbf{Ma}thematische \textbf{M}edien\textbf{p}latt\textbf{f}orm
			\item Moodle alternative, mainly used by mathematical lectures
			\item Register at \url{} when needed