\begin{frame}{What is this all about?}
\item The department of computational linguistics and the university computing centre offer a lot of services for students
\item Today:
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=color1, left=2mm, right=2mm,before skip balanced=0.5mm, after skip balanced=.5mm,hyperlink=sec:Accounts]
\textbf{\small\faIcon{users}\normalsize \hspace{2px} Accounts}
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=color2, left=2mm, right=2mm,before skip balanced=0.5mm, after skip balanced=.5mm,hyperlink=sec:Admin]
\textbf{\small\faIcon{calendar-check}\normalsize \hspace{2px} Study \& Examination Administration}
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=color3, left=2mm, right=2mm,before skip balanced=0.5mm, after skip balanced=.5mm,hyperlink=sec:Linux]
\textbf{\small\faIcon{terminal}\normalsize \hspace{2px} Linux Introduction}
\item You can download the slides and the most important information is summarized on takeaway slides
\begin{frame}{Who are we?}
\item Gruppe Technik, ``GT'' (\texttt{})
\item System administrators at the department
\item Alejandro Petry Pacheco, Georg Piersig, Jakob Moser (student assistants) + Markus Kirschner (our boss)
\item Most important points will be on the dark takeaway slides
\item You can reach us directly via \texttt{}
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