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Commit fe3a698d authored by Dan Povey's avatar Dan Povey
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Various changes to CCTC training code

parent d765fb3b
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......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ TESTFILES = language-model-test cctc-transition-model-test
OBJFILES = language-model.o cctc-transition-model.o cctc-graph.o \
ctc-supervision.o cctc-training.o
# ctc-functions.o
LIBNAME = kaldi-ctc
......@@ -23,35 +23,155 @@
namespace kaldi {
namespace ctc {
void CctcTrainer::CheckDims() const {
KALDI_ASSERT(weights_.NumRows() == trans_model_.NumHistoryStates() &&
weights_.NumCols() == trans_model_.NumIndexes());
const CctcTrainingOptions &opts,
const CctcTransitionModel &trans_model,
const CuMatrix<BaseFloat> &cu_weights,
const CtcSupervision &supervision,
const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &nnet_output):
opts_(opts), trans_model_(trans_model), cu_weights_(cu_weights),
supervision_(supervision), nnet_output_(nnet_output) {
void CctcComputation::CheckDims() const {
KALDI_ASSERT(cu_weights_.NumRows() == trans_model_.NumHistoryStates() &&
cu_weights_.NumCols() == trans_model_.NumOutputIndexes());
KALDI_ASSERT(nnet_output_.NumRows() == supervision_.num_frames &&
nnet_output_.NumCols() == trans_model_.NumIndexes());
KALDI_ASSERT(supervision_.label_dim == trans_model_.NumIndexes());
nnet_output_.NumCols() == trans_model_.NumOutputIndexes());
KALDI_ASSERT(supervision_.label_dim == trans_model_.NumOutputIndexes());
void CctcTraining::Forward() {
void CctcComputation::ComputeLookupIndexes() {
std::vector<int32> fst_state_times;
ComputeFstStateTimes(supervision_.fst, &fst_state_times);
int32 num_states = supervision_.fst.NumStates();
int32 num_arcs_guess = num_states * 2;
// arc_probs_temp will store the language-model probabilities for each arc.
std::vector<BaseFloat> arc_probs_temp;
int32 cur_time = 0;
// the following are CPU versions of numerator_indexes_ and
// denominator_indexes_. numerator_indexes_cpu is a list of pairs (t,
// output-index) and denominator_indexes_cpu is a list of pairs (c,
// history-state-index).
std::vector<Int32Pair> numerator_indexes_cpu, denominator_indexes_cpu;
// numerator_index_map_this_frame is a map, only valid for t == cur_time,
// from the output-index to the index into numerator_indexes_cpu for the
// p air (cur_time, output-index).
unordered_map<int32,int32> numerator_index_map_this_frame;
// denoninator_index_map_this_frame is a map, only valid for t == cur_time,
// from the output-index to the index into numerator_indexes_cpu for the
// p air (cur_time, output-index).
unordered_map<int32,int32> denominator_index_map_this_frame;
typedef unordered_map<int32,int32>::iterator IterType;
for (int32 state = 0; state < num_states; state++) {
int32 t = fst_state_times[state];
if (t != cur_time) {
KALDI_ASSERT(t == cur_time + 1);
cur_time = t;
for (fst::ArcIterator<fst::StdVectorFst> aiter(supervision_.fst, state);
!aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) {
int32 graph_label = aiter.Value().ilabel,
output_index = trans_model_.GraphLabelToOutputIndex(graph_label),
history_state = trans_model_.GraphLabelToHistoryState(graph_label);
int32 numerator_index = numerator_indexes_cpu.size(),
denominator_index = denominator_indexes_cpu.size();
Int32Pair num_pair, den_pair; // can't use constructors as declared in C.
num_pair.first = t;
num_pair.second = output_index;
den_pair.first = t;
den_pair.second = history_state;
// the next few lines are a more efficient way of doing the following:
// if (numerator_index_map_this_frame.count(output_index) == 0) {
// numerator_index_map_this_frame[output_index] = numerator_index;
// else
// numerator_index = numerator_index_map_this_frame[output_index];
std::pair<IterType,bool> p = numerator_index_map_this_frame.insert(
std::pair<const int32, int32>(output_index, numerator_index));
if (p.second) { // Was inserted -> map had no key 'output_index'
} else { // was not inserted -> set numerator_index to the existing index.
numerator_index = p.first->second;
KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(numerator_indexes_cpu[numerator_index] ==
// the next few lines are a more efficient way of doing the following:
// if (denominator_index_map_this_frame.count(history_state) == 0) {
// denominator_index_map_this_frame[history_state] = denominator_index;
// else
// denominator_index = denominator_index_map_this_frame[history_state];
p = denominator_index_map_this_frame.insert(
std::pair<const int32, int32>(history_state, denominator_index));
if (p.second) { // Was inserted -> map had no key 'history_state'
} else { // was not inserted -> set denominator_index to the existing index.
denominator_index = p.first->second;
KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(denominator_indexes_cpu[denominator_index] ==
numerator_indexes_ = numerator_indexes_cpu;
denominator_indexes_ = denominator_indexes_cpu;
int32 num_arcs = fst_indexes_.size();
KALDI_ASSERT(num_arcs > 0);
num_arcs * sizeof(BaseFloat));
BaseFloat CctcComputation::Forward() {
exp_nnet_output_ = nnet_output_;
normalizers_.AddMatMat(1.0, exp_nnet_output_, kNoTrans, weights_, kTrans);
normalizers_.AddMatMat(1.0, exp_nnet_output_, kNoTrans, cu_weights_, kTrans,
return tot_log_prob_;
void CctcComputation::LookUpLikelihoods() {
numerator_probs_.Resize(numerator_indexes_.Dim(), kUndefined);
exp_nnet_output_.Lookup(numerator_indexes_, numerator_probs_.Data());
denominator_probs_.Resize(denominator_indexes_.Dim(), kUndefined);
normalizers_.Lookup(denominator_indexes_, denominator_probs_.Data());
// Note: at this point, arc_probs_ contains the phone language model
// probabilities.
BaseFloat *arc_prob_data = arc_probs_.Data();
const BaseFloat *numerator_prob_data = numerator_probs_.Data(),
*denominator_prob_data = denominator_probs_.Data();
std::vector<std::pair<int32,int32> >::const_iterator
iter = fst_indexes_.begin(), end = fst_indexes_.end();
for (; iter != end; ++iter, ++arc_prob_data)
*arc_prob_data *= numerator_prob_data[iter->first] /
bool CctcTraining::Backward(CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> *nnet_output_deriv) {
bool CctcComputation::Backward(CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> *nnet_output_deriv) {
return ComputeDerivatives(nnet_output_deriv);
bool CctcTraining::ComputeDerivatives(
bool CctcComputation::ComputeDerivatives(
CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> *nnet_output_deriv) {
// we assume nnet_output_deriv is already zeroed; we add to it.
int32 num_states = supervision_.fst.NumStates();
......@@ -65,13 +185,13 @@ bool CctcTraining::ComputeDerivatives(
numerator_probs_.SetZero(); // we'll use this to store derivatives w.r.t. the
// numerator log-prob; these derivatives are just
// sums of occupation counts.
BaseFloat numerator_deriv_data = numerator_probs_.Data();
BaseFloat *numerator_deriv_data = numerator_probs_.Data();
// size and zero denominator_deriv_. It will contain the sum of negated
// occupancies that map to each element of the denominator_indexes_ and
// denominator_prob_ vectors.
BaseFloat denominator_deriv_data = denominator_deriv_.Data();
BaseFloat *denominator_deriv_data = denominator_deriv_.Data();
const BaseFloat *arc_prob_data = arc_probs_.Data();
for (int32 state = 0; state < num_states; state++) {
......@@ -81,8 +201,8 @@ bool CctcTraining::ComputeDerivatives(
int32 nextstate = arc.nextstate;
double arc_posterior =
exp(alpha_data[state] + beta_data[nextstate] - tot_log_prob_) *
KALDI_ASSERT(arc_prob >= 0.0 && arc_prob < 1.1);
KALDI_ASSERT(arc_posterior >= 0.0 && arc_posterior < 1.1);
int32 numerator_index = fst_indexes_iter->first,
denominator_index = fst_indexes_iter->second;
// interpret this as d(objf)/d(log of numerator)
......@@ -99,9 +219,32 @@ bool CctcTraining::ComputeDerivatives(
// We will reuse the normalizers_ array to be the derivatives
// w.r.t. the normalizers.
normalizers_.AddElements(1.0, denominator_indexes_,
// Even though the next statement adds it with zero coefficient, we need
// to set it to zero to guard against inf's or NaN's.
// After the following statement, 'nnet_output_deriv' contains the derivative
// with respect to 'exp_nnet_output_', considering only the denominator term.
nnet_output_deriv->AddMatMat(1.0, normalizers_, kNoTrans,
cu_weights_, kNoTrans, 0.0);
// After the following statement, 'nnet_output_deriv' contains the derivative with
// respect to 'nnet_output_', considering only the denominator term.
// we use that y/d(exp x) = exp(x) dy/dx.
// After the following statement, 'nnet_output_deriv' should contain the
// entire derivative, also including the numerator term. Note: at this point,
// numerator_probs_ contains summed posteriors, which equal the derivative of
// the likelihood w.r.t. the nnet log output (considering only the numerator
// term).
nnet_output_deriv->AddElements(1.0, numerator_indexes_, numerator_probs_.Data());
BaseFloat sum = nnet_output_deriv->Sum();
return (sum == sum && sum - sum == 0); // check for NaN/inf.
......@@ -137,8 +280,6 @@ bool CctcTraining::ComputeDerivatives(
// lm_prob * num / den.
} // namespace ctc
} // namespace kaldi
......@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
#include "lat/kaldi-lattice.h"
#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
#include "ctc/language-model.h"
#include "ctc/cctc-transition-model.h"
#include "ctc/ctc-supervision.h"
#include "cudamatrix/cu-matrix.h"
#include "cudamatrix/cu-array.h"
namespace kaldi {
namespace ctc {
......@@ -75,9 +79,9 @@ class CctcComputation {
// Does the forward computation. Returns the total log-prob.
BaseFloat Forward();
// Does the backward computation and adds the derivative w.r.t. the neural
// network output to 'nnet_output_deriv' (so you should probably set it to
// zero beforehand).
// Does the backward computation and writes the derivative w.r.t. the neural
// network output to 'nnet_output_deriv' (which does not have to be initialized
// beforehand).
// Returns true if everything was OK (which it should be, normally), and
// false if some kind of NaN or inf was discovered, in which case you
// shouldn't use the derivatives. We're concerned about this because
......@@ -91,10 +95,9 @@ class CctcComputation {
const CctcTransitionModel &trans_model_;
// CUDA copy of trans_model_.Weights(). Dimension is
// trans_model_.NumHistoryStates() by trans_model_.NumOutputIndexes().
const CuMatrix<BaseFloat> &weights_;
const CuMatrix<BaseFloat> &cu_weights_;
// The supervision object
const CtcSupervision &supervision_;
// The neural net output
const CuMatrixBase<BaseFloat> &nnet_output_;
// the exp of the neural net output.
......@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ class CctcComputation {
// exp_nnet_output_ for the forward-backward computation. The order is not
// important, but indexes into this vector appear in .first members in
// fst_indexes.
std::vector<Int32Pair> numerator_indexes_;
CuArray<Int32Pair> numerator_indexes_;
// the numerator of the probability. in the forward computation,
// numerator_probs_[i] equals exp_nnet_output_(row,column), where (row,column)
// is the i'th member of numerator_indexes. In the backward computation,
......@@ -134,7 +137,7 @@ class CctcComputation {
// normalizers_ for the forward-backward computation. The order is not
// important, but indexes into this vector appear in .second members in
// fst_indexes.
std::vector<Int32Pair> denominator_indexes_;
CuArray<Int32Pair> denominator_indexes_;
// the denominator of the probability. denominator_probs_[i] equals
// exp_nnet_output_(row,column), where (row,column) is the i'th member of
// denominator_indexes.
......@@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ class CctcComputation {
// numerator_indexes_ and denominator_indexes_.
void ComputeLookupIndexes();
// This function, called from Forward(), computes denomator_probs_ and
// This function, called from Forward(), computes denominator_probs_ and
// numerator_probs_ via batch lookup operations in exp_nnet_output_ and
// normalizers_, and then computes arc_probs_.
void LookUpLikelihoods();
......@@ -423,6 +423,8 @@ void TestCctcSupervision(const CctcTransitionModel &trans_model) {
// ShortestPath effectively chooses an arbitrary path, because all paths have
// unit weight / zero cost.
ShortestPath(supervision.fst, &one_path);
std::vector<int32> graph_label_seq_in, graph_label_seq_out;
fst::TropicalWeight tot_weight;
GetLinearSymbolSequence(one_path, &graph_label_seq_in,
......@@ -430,6 +432,15 @@ void TestCctcSupervision(const CctcTransitionModel &trans_model) {
KALDI_ASSERT(tot_weight == fst::TropicalWeight::One() &&
graph_label_seq_in == graph_label_seq_out);
{ // basic testing of ComputeFstStateTimes (it has a lot of asserts).
std::vector<int32> state_times;
int32 length = ComputeFstStateTimes(supervision.fst, &state_times);
KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(length) == graph_label_seq_out.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < state_times.size(); i++)
KALDI_ASSERT(state_times[i] <= state_times[i+1]);
std::vector<int32> phones_from_graph;
for (size_t i = 0; i < graph_label_seq_in.size(); i++) {
int32 this_phone = trans_model.GraphLabelToPhone(graph_label_seq_in[i]);
......@@ -528,6 +528,41 @@ void CtcSupervision::Read(std::istream &is, bool binary) {
ExpectToken(is, binary, "</CtcSupervision>");
int32 ComputeFstStateTimes(const fst::StdVectorFst &fst,
std::vector<int32> *state_times) {
if (fst.Start() != 0) // this is implied by our properties.
KALDI_ERR << "Expecting input FST start state to be zero";
int32 num_states = fst.NumStates();
int32 total_length = -1;
state_times->resize(num_states, -1);
(*state_times)[0] = 0;
for (int32 state = 0; state < num_states; state++) {
int32 next_state_time = (*state_times)[state] + 1;
if (next_state_time <= 0) // i.e. (*state_times)[state] < 0
KALDI_ERR << "Input FST does not have required properties.";
for (fst::ArcIterator<fst::StdVectorFst> aiter(fst, state);
!aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) {
const fst::StdArc &arc = aiter.Value();
KALDI_ASSERT(arc.ilabel != 0);
int32 &next_state_ref = (*state_times)[arc.nextstate];
if (next_state_ref == -1)
next_state_ref = next_state_time;
else if (next_state_ref != next_state_time)
KALDI_ERR << "Input FST does not have required properties.";
if (fst.Final(state) != fst::TropicalWeight::Zero()) {
if (total_length == -1)
total_length = next_state_time - 1;
else if (total_length != next_state_time - 1)
KALDI_ERR << "Input FST does not have required properties.";
if (total_length < 0)
KALDI_ERR << "Input FST does not have required properties.";
return total_length;
} // namespace ctc
} // namespace kaldi
......@@ -330,6 +330,31 @@ class CtcSupervisionSplitter {
std::vector<int32> frame_;
/// Assuming the 'fst' is epsilon-free, connected, and has the property that all
/// paths from the start-state are of the same length, output a vector
/// containing that length (from the start-state to the current state) to
/// 'state_times'. The member 'fst' of struct CtcSupervision has this property.
/// Returns the total number of frames. This function is similar to
/// LatticeStateTimes() and CompactLatticeStateTimes() declared in
/// lat/lattice-functions.h (except that unlike LatticeStateTimes(), we don't
/// allow epsilons, not because they are hard to handle but because in this
/// context we don't expect them. This function also expects that the input fst
/// will have the property that the state times are in nondecreasing order (as
/// SortBreadthFirstSearch() does for FSTs satsifying the other properties we
/// mentioned). This just happens to be something we enforce while creating
/// these FSTs.
/// @param fst[in] The input fst: should be epsilon-free; connected; nonempty;
/// should have the property that all paths to a given state (or
/// to a nonzero final-prob) should have the same number of arcs;
/// and its states should be sorted on this path length (e.g.
/// SortBreadthFirst will do this).
/// @param state_times[out] The state times that we output; will be set to
/// a vector with the dimension fst.NumStates()
/// @return Returns the path length
int32 ComputeFstStateTimes(const fst::StdVectorFst &fst,
std::vector<int32> *state_times);
} // namespace ctc
} // namespace kaldi
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